Our role in the NDIS
Sharkey Mobility can help with the vast opportunities of the NDIS. We are experienced and up to date with the NDIS scheme, so we can assist you in the registration of agreements, quotation of equipment and service agreements on an annual basis.
What is the NDIS?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is a new program to allow Australians with permanent disabilities and their families access to support.
The NDIS will provide about 460,000 Australians under the age of 65 with permanent and significant disabilities the supports they need to live an ordinary life.
The NDIS helps people with disability to access mainstream and community services and supports, Maintain informal support arrangements, and receive reasonable and necessary funded supports.
Who can apply?
To join the scheme, a person must meet the following requirements:
Must be under 65 years of age.
Must live in Australia and:- be an Australian citizen OR
- hold a Permanent Visa OR
- hold a Protected Special Category Visa
Must meet the requirements of:- an impairment or condition that is permanent (i.e. likely to be life long) and
- the impairment substantially reduces your ability to participate effectively in activities, or perform tasks or actions without assistance from other people, technology, or neither and
- your impairment affects your capacity for social and economic participation and
- you are likely to require support under the NDIS for your lifetime.
You can apply for the NDIS on their website at:
Sourced from ndis.gov.au as it appeared on UTC 08/04/18, 11:55 PM

Registered NDIS Provider number 4050048153